Guildhall Sub-Committee

Next scheduled meeting of this Sub-Committee - TBA

Sub-Committee Meetings - agendas and minutes

The inaugural meeting of this committee was convened for Monday 30th October 2023 - 7pm at the Guildhall

Agenda HERE
Minutes - 30th October 2023 (approved)

Agenda 7th December 2023 (Thursday) - Bradshaw Room, Axminster Heritage Centre HERE
Minutes HERE (meeting was adjourned as no Chair was available to preside) (draft)

Agenda 11th January 2024 (Thursday) Guildhall. 7pm start time. Agenda HERE
Minutes: HERE (draft only currently)

Agenda 7th March 2024 (Thursday) Guildhall. 7pm start time. Agenda HERE

Membership of the Sub-Committee

Membership of the Sub-Committee (7) comprises:

Cllr. David Willey - Chair (elected October 2023)

Cllr. Kara Burrough
Cllr. Mark Dowdeswell
Cllr. Wayne Hurren

Cllr. Sara Leat
Cllr. Jeremy Walden

Members (in an advisory capacity only)

Leigh Conley (GH Manager)
Matthew Young (Former Chair of the GMC Trustee Board)

Sub-Committee Terms of Reference

Approved by Sub-Committee (as at 30-10-2023) HERE

Adopted and approved by FULL Council on 13/11/2023.