

There are currently NO allotment plots available in the town. Please apply to the Town Council via email (as above) or call us on 01297 32088 to register your interest and to join our waiting list. Council is currently investigating other sites to bring more allotment plots forward.

There are 3 allotment sites. They are situated at North Street, Millwey Rise and Woodbury Park (click on the links for a map of each site).

Full size or half size plots are available for rent at all sites:

Full size plots are currently rented out at £42 p.a. and half size plots at £25 p.a., as at October 2022  (although there are a few extra large plots at Woodbury Park which rent out at £48 p.a.).

Allotment Holders are welcome to join the Axminster Allotment Association. Please contact them directly if you are interested on 

If you are offered a plot and wish to become a Tenant, you need to print off and complete the Tenancy Agreement Form, which needs to be sent back to the Council Offices. If you'd like a copy, please contact Katie in the office who will arrange for one to be sent by email or post.

Please read the attached documents for the Rules & Regulations and if you wish to keep livestock, please read the Livestock Rules.
Information relating to bonfires can be found at the end of the Rules and Regulations document - appendix ONE..

The following leaflet is also worth looking at to record any valuables: Registering of valuables.

Please contact us for more information.


Woodbury Park Allotments

Millwey Rise Allotments

North Street Allotments