Climate Change & the Environment

Climate Emergency

This means that the Council has agreed to reduce its carbon output over the next 12 years, to the point where its services, activities, energy consumption and vehicles are carbon neutral or offset by 2030.  For more information on particular aspects of this declaration, please contact us. 

Guardian Article Sept 2019 - Part 1 

Guardian Article Sept 2019 - Part 2 

The Council declared a climate emergency at the August Town Council meeting in 2019.  A PDF copy of that declaration is published HERE. An Environment Day was held in October 2019 which was a very successful and well-attended event.  Like many other organisations we have had to curtail what we have done over the past 18 months because of the pandemic but hope to resume consideration of suitable projects very soon.

Town Council's approved Sustainability Policy (OCT2022)

This Policy was discussed and approved by Councillors.

Available HERE

Climate Action Group (2023)

This group was formed as a Working Party of the Full Council and meets regularly to consider matters which
relate to climate change, sustainability, environmental issues and anything else that could assist to make Axminster
a greener, friendlier, more sustainable town.

The Working Group is co-chaired by Cllrs. Bernie Steadman and Angela Huskisson.
See the Councillors page for their contact details.

Members of the public are cordially invited to join the meetings (by invitation) if they believe they can contribute to
the business, aims, objectives and goals of this group.