As one of the largest, low-density parishes, the challenges for our town are profound, with a need to balance the requirement to provide additional housing for our citizens, with the fact that our existing infrastructure is struggling to keep pace with the demands from our current population. The paradox presents the Town Council with both opportunities but also restrictions on how to help manage the future growth of the town, whilst safeguarding the natural environment, protecting and preserving our historic town centre and ensuring that everyone, whether they are an existing citizen, or someone looking to move to Axminster, has access to a range of services that can meet their day-to-day needs without the need for additional vehicle journeys - be that commuting to work, travelling to other shopping areas or taking their children to school.
In conjunction with Axminster Community Enterprise, the long-term vision for Axminster’s future has commenced and this will shortly be presented in the form of the Neighbourhood Plan, the main tenets of which are:
- Regenerating the town centre through sensitively-planned schemes for:
1.1 A north-south relief road – making the town centre more people-friendly & enabling businesses to thrive; & offering environmental & economic benefits both locally & over a larger area
1.2 Redevelopment of parts of the town centre - Helping people appreciate & enjoy the parish’s natural assets through:
2.1 The improvement of existing public open space & the creation of more of them
2.2 The improvement of footpath & cycle networks & riverside access - Encouraging Axminster’s growth through sensitively-planned schemes for:
3.1 A substantial increase in house building – carefully planned with affordable housing a priority and open space provision safeguarded, will encourage the development of a balanced community both socially & geographically, regular trade for businesses, & a self-sufficient, vital community.
3.2 Securing a wider range of wealth-creation & employment opportunities, e.g. through attracting business start-ups & relocations. - Increasing the use of public & community transport.
All in all, Axminster is a great place to live, work and for recreation nestled in the stunning backdrop of the East Devon countryside. We look forward to welcoming you!
To find out more about the Neighbourhood Plan, please click HERE.