Axminster Town Council welcomed comments from the public at its Annual Meeting

Published: 15 May 2023

Axminster Town Council was delighted to welcome 14 members of the public and 1 member of the press to its Annual Meeting last night (Monday 15th May).

6 members of the public spoke about a planning application on Chard Road by Weycroft Bridge (East Devon District Council planning application reference 23/0685/MOUT). These views were welcomed by Councillors when considering the comments that Axminster Town Council, as a consultee, should make to EDDC, which is the decision-making body.

The consultation period remains open to submissions until the 19th of May and we encourage you to submit comments via the East Devon Planning Portal (link below) if you have a view on this application so it can be considered by the Planning Authority.

Axminster Town Council would like to thank all of those who attended and participated in last night's Annual Meeting.

To view the application details, click here for the East Devon Planning Portal, scroll down to "start", and enter the planning reference number listed above into the search bar.