Planning Committee

East Devon Planning - Local Plan

The East Devon Local Plan was adopted in January 2016. If you wish to search for a particular planning application, please click on the following link: East Devon Planning Portal

Next Planning Meeting - TBA

19 Feb 24

19:00 to 19:30

Minutes approved 25/03/2024


25 Mar 24

19:00 to 19:30

Minutes not yet approved



Meeting Dates

The Planning Committee meets, as and when required, to consider planning applications (see below) in the parish. 
Planning matters can also be incorporated into the FULL meeting of the Town Council - see agenda for detail.

Planning Committee Membership

Membership of this committee (7):

Cllr. Sara Leat (Chair) - elected 30th May 2022
Cllr. Kara Burrough
Cllr. Mark Dowdeswell
Cllr. Elizabeth Paice
Cllr. Jeremy Walden

Contact details for all committee members can be found on COUNCILLOR page 

Planning Applications in the Parish of Axminster

To access information about the planning applications listed below, please visit the EDDC Planning Portal here. Read the important information about planning applications and how to leave a comment then click start. You can then enter the planning application number in the search field on that website.

Planning Applications pending decision (in application reference order):


24/1750/DOC - Oliver Joseph Fitness, Lyme Street, Axminster, EX13 5AU

Discharge of condition for 24/0157/FUL: Condition 3 (Schedule of External Materials) 


24/1757/TRE - Greenpath, Crewkerne Road, Axminster, EX13 5SX

T1: Beech - reduce the height to approx. 3m as it is very close to our house and that of the neighbours. T2: Ash - fell. Holly: fell. Leylandii hedge: fell. G1: Cherry, Oak and Beech x2 - reduce in height of these trees to approx. 3m. G2: Beexh hedge; trim and maintain a height of 1.75m. W1: woodland - fell 12 Spruce (less than 200 dia. @ 1.5m A.G.L) and dead or dying specimens. 


24/1339/CPL - 5 Castle Hill, Axminster, Devon, EX13 5PY

Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development to partially demolished rear single storey extension and replace with new extension.  


24/1354/AGR - Wyke Farm, Wyke, Axminster, EX13 8TN 

Replacement shed: A replacement tractor shed was approved in 2012 (12/1191/AGR) but not erected. This application is in a more practical location, and is smaller in size, and yet still accommodating our storage.  


24/1406/TRE - Cloakham Buildings, Chard Road, Axminster, EX13 5HW 

T001 - Oak - Truncate major deadwood to approx 0.5m in length A003 - Oak - Truncate major deadwood to approx 0.5m in length. 


 24/1401/FUL - Little Acre, Woodbury Lane, Axminster, EX13 5TL

Construction of single storey extension at first floor level to the front elevation, adjustments to external steps and extension of front garden wall.


 24/0096/MFUL - Land just south of Hazelhurst, Raymonds Hill, Axminster

Proposed construction, operation and maintenance of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with associated infrastructure and works including highway access, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements. 


24/0828/FUL - 1 Millwey Avenue, Axminster, EX13 5EH

The erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension (resubmission of 23/2211/FUL)


24/0200/FUL - Pinneywood Farm, Lodge Lane, Axminster, EX13 5RT

Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 1 detached dwelling and associated external works.


24/0319/FUL - 1 Cridlake Cottages, Lyme Road, Axminster, EX13 5BE

Change of use from business to domestic dwelling. 


24/0001/EA – Land Just South Of Hazelhurst, Raymonds Hill

Screening option for Axminster Energy Hub.


23/0011/EIA - Newlands Farm, Crewkerne Road, Axminster, EX13 5SF

Proposed 80MW Battery Energy Storage System(BESS).


23/1980/FUL - Shiles Farm Bungalow, Axminster, EX13 5SE

Proposed demolition of existing dwelling. Replace with single storey dwelling and parking including change of use of adjacent agricultural land to form residential curtilage.


23/1251/FUL - 10 North Street, Axminster, EX13 5QD

Single-storey rear extension with raised deck. Removal of rear studio and excavation to form parking area.


23/0685/MOUT - Land Adjacent Cloakham Lawn & Chard Road, Axminster 

Hybrid application. Outline application for up to 140 dwellings, 0.8 hectares of class E employment land, public open space, drainage and ancillary works (all matters reserved except access). Full application for works to football training pitch.


22/2335/FUL - Car Park, Lyme Street, Axminster

Extension of consent for a temporary car park from 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2024.


22/2322/OUT - Lawsons and Car Park, Lyme Street, Axminster, EX13 5AT

Outline application for demolition of existing building and erection of mixed-use building including provision of parking.


22/0268/MRES - West Street Car Park, Axminster

Application for the approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission 18/1681/MOUT.


21/3025/MFUL - Land West of Prestaller Farm, Beavor Lane, Axminster

Erection of 29 dwellings.


20/1972/TRE – Bracken Heath, Crewkerne Road, Axminster, EX13 5SX

Oak (T1-T3) - Overall crown reduction of 2 metres of all 3 oaks.


19/1074/MOUT – Land East of Axminster (Central Parcels), Axminster

Hybrid application: Outline application with all matters reserved except access for mixed use development comprising of up to 441 dwellings (Use class C); up to 1500sqm of Class B1(a) floorspace; up to 3750sqm of Class B1(b and c) floorspace; up to 1000sqm of flexible use floorspace falling within Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1; public open space; and associated infrastructure and engineering operations. Full application for the construction of a section of the North-South relief road between Sector Lane and Evil Lane, and associated operations.


19/0150/MFUL – Land South and East of Endfield, Lyme Road, Axminster

Construction of 104 dwellings, associated highways construction of a section of the north-south relief road between Lyme Road and site boundary.


19/0108/MOUT – Land North East of Weycroft Avenue, Axminster

Hybrid application: Outline planning permission for up to 305 new homes (C3), up to 3.2 hectares of employment land (B1,B2, B8), green infrastructure including landscaping and recreational space, drainage infrastructure. Full planning permission for construction of a section of the North-South relief road between Chard Road and the site boundary.


Planning Applications previously determined (or decided upon by the Planning Authority [EDDC]): In application reference order - the decision of the planning authority is shown alongside the application.


23/2331/RES - Garages Coombe Lane, Axminster, EX13 5AS

Reserved matters for creation of 2 dwellings (see also 20/1559/OUT)

Status: Approval with conditions 


24/0157/FUL – Oliver Joseph Fitness & Land To The West & South, Lyme Street, Axminster, EX13 5AU

Alterations and minor extension to the existing commercial building and the formation of customer parking area.

Status: Approval with conditions 


24/0895/FUL - Conifers, Crewkerne Road, Axminster, EX13 5SX

Retrospective permission sought for change of external cladding to garage and attached home office to ship lap cedral cladding.

Status: Approval with conditions 


24/0943/DOC - Quercus Fields, Cooks Lane, Axminster

Discharge of condition for 24/0026/AGR: condition 3 (surface water drainage)

Status: Discharge of condition 


24/0561/FUL - 4 Cunningham Avenue, Axminster, EX13 5HE

Proposed porch and two stroey side extension to replace existing garage. 

Status: Approval with conditions


24/0175/FUL - 58 St Andrews Avenue, Axminster, EX13 5EZ

Fencing erected to replace hedging (retrospective)

Status: Retrospective Refusal 


23/2315/FUL - St Marys Church, West Street, Axminster, EX13 5NU

 Installation of 7 CCTV cameras.

Status: Approval with conditions. 


23/2508/COU - Raymonds Hill Post Office, Charmouth Road, Axminster, EX13 5SZ

Change of use from commercial to residential.

Status: Approval with conditions.  


23/2772/FUL – Cloakham House, Axminster, EX13 5RP

Erection of wooden summer house on existing concrete base set within the garden area of the property 90 metres away from the main (listed) house.

Status: Approval - standard time limit.  


24/0026/AGR - Quercus Fields, Cooks Lane, Axminster

Prior approval for barn.

Status: Approval with conditions 


23/2217/FUL - Complete Meats, Weycroft Avenue, Millwey Industrial Estate, Axminster, EX13 5HU

Installation of 210 solar panels on roof.

Status: Approval – standard time limit.


23/2289/FUL - Radio House, West Street, Axminster, EX13 5NU

Demolition of existing ground floor rear extension, replacing with new 2 storey rear extension.

Status: Approval with conditions.


23/2566/TRE - 50 Tigers Way, Axminster, EX13 5TG

GOO2, Common Ash: Fell. Plant 1x replacement tree for each removed.

Status: Approval with conditions.


23/2556/FUL - 3 Millwey Avenue, Axminster, EX13 5EH

Removal of garage and construction of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and porch (part retrospective).

Status: Approval with conditions.


23/2526/AGR - Great Trill Farm, Musbury, Axminster, EX13 5EH

Agricultural storage building and workshop.

Status: Approval with conditions.


23/2325/TRE - 18 The Cricketers, Axminster, EX13 5RG

T1, Lime tree : re-pollard tree to existing pollard points at approx 8-10m tall and 4m spread, also remove all epicormic growth.

Status: Split decision


23/2509/PDMA - Nelson House, Coombe Lane, Axminster, EX13 5AX

Prior Notification under Class MA of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for change of use of offices (use class E(g)) to a single dwelling house (use class C3).

Status: PDMA Prior Approval granted.


23/2370/TRE - 27 Tigers Way, Axminster, EX13 5TG

Corkscrew Willow - Crown reduction by less than 1m.

Status: Approval with conditions.


23/2333/FUL - Hayne Cooks Lane, Axminster, EX13 5SJ

Demolition and removal of garage, shed and caravan to be replaced with new annexe and double garage.

Status: Approval with conditions.


23/2129/CPL - Great Trill Farm, Musbury, Axminster, EX13 8TU

Certificate of proposed development to concrete over a hard standing yard.

Status: CPL Approve.


23/2100/FUL - Axminster Tool Centre, Trafalgar Way, Axminster, EX13 5SN

Change of use of existing building from retail and hire centre to uses falling within Use Class E ie Commercial, Business & Service. (Partially retrospective).

Status: Approval retrospective (no conditions).


23/2049/LBC - Weycroft Manor, Weycroft, Axminster, EX13 7LL

Adapting existing first floor bathroom into accessible walk-in shower room with associated works.

Status: Approval with conditions.