Chair of the Town Council & Mayor of Axminster 2021 - present day

Cllr. Jill Farrow
Town Ward


I moved here from Croydon with my partner Mary in 2018.  We had fallen in love with Devon whilst holidaying with our dogs, but finding Axminster was pure chance.  We quickly realised that the sign on Minster Green “The Home of Community Spirit” said it all.  

At the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting the forthcoming local elections were discussed, and I decided to stand, secure in the knowledge that as a newcomer I’d never be elected. In the event not enough candidates stood so I was elected unopposed! Serving on the Town Council gave me the opportunity to use the skills I’d learned as a career Civil Servant, though the some of the vocabulary was different.

Within two months of joining the Council I was lucky enough to be part of the team visiting our twin town of Douvres la Delivrande in Normandy to mark the 75th anniversary of D Day. Both of my late parents served in the armed forces during the war, and my father remained in the RAF until retirement, so the celebration on Juno Beach was hugely poignant.

When COVID hit in 2020 one of the first people we knew to become unwell was David Moore, the Deputy Mayor, and he had to stand down. Anni Young, the Mayor, proposed that I replace him; we had worked together on a few projects by then and she thought we would make a good team. Which we did, not always agreeing but always being able to support each other and doing our best for the rest of the team and the town. Then in December Anni passed away suddenly in her sleep. I became acting Chair until the next full Council meeting when I was elected Mayor.

It continues to be an enormous honour to serve this community.

Vice-Chair of the Town Council & Deputy Mayor of Axminster 2024-25

Cllr Jeremy Walden (elected)

Town Ward 




I moved with my family to Axminster in 1982, and we ran The New Commercial in Trinity Square until 2000. I then ran a food manufacturing business until I retired in 2022.

I was born in London but raised in Leicestershire. I went to The University of Surrey and then worked in hotels and managed three in Leamington, Stratford and Shaftesbury before moving here.

I have been a town Councillor for 26 years, twice having the honour of serving as your Town Mayor. I currently chair our operations committee, which looks after the amenities we offer our residents and visitors e.g. the allotments, the Jubilee Field, the Old Court House and Chard Road Cemetery.

I am also a Governor at Axe Valley Academy and Chair of trustees of Arc, our local mental health counselling charity.


Councillor Jeremy Walden 2023

Jack Price (Co-opted) Weycroft ward

I have lived in Axminster all my life and I am a firm believer that Axminster really is "The Home of Community Spirit".

Since 2022, I have owned and run the Railway Kitchen at Axminster Station. We are proud to support many other local businesses and charities through our work there.

I have also worked at Axminster Tools and various Costa Coffee stores around East Devon and Somerset, which has given me the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life.

I am the current chairman of Axminster Drama Club and have a passion for all things theatre. The Guildhall has been a big part of my life, and I am a serving volunteer for the Technical and Front-of-House teams. 

I am a fully qualified Youth Support Worker having worked previously for Devon and Dorset Youth Services.

I am looking forward to serving on the Council to support the people of Axminster alongside my fellow Councillors. 


Cllr Jack Price photo

Paul Bridge (co-opted) Town ward

I moved to Axminster with my wife and three cats in 2016 and our family has since expanded with two rescue Lurchers. My main activity, apart from walking the dogs, is with older motor vehicles. I am an active member of the Bridport Classic Bike Club and also exhibit a classic car at local shows.

Pre-retirement I lived in west London and had a career in microbiology research and science management at various national and intergovernmental organisations. This included research on soil microbiology and fungal plant pathogens.

My work involved considerable travel for science projects on all of the continents, and collaborations with a range of overseas public and private organisations. Since settling in Axminster, I have continued to produce occasional research papers and two books.

I hope that my extensive experience within multiple stakeholder teams will be of benefit to the future development of facilities and opportunities in Axminster.

Cllr Paul Bridge

A Casual Vacancy exists on Town ward


Details to follow when an appointment is made

Kara Burrough (elected) Town ward

Cllr. Burrough was co-opted to the Council on 14th February 2022 and re-elected in May 2023.

My name is Kara Burrough and I grew up in a small village 7 miles from Axminster I moved here with my now Axminster born and bred husband in 2007. We have 3 children together.

I am passionate about Axminster; I believe
it has the greatest community spirit and so much to offer everyone if you know where to look.

I am also a member of different community groups in Axminster and I wanted to further contribute to the town by joining the council.

I am really looking forward to the challenges that may arise and serving the people of Axminster to the best of my ability.

Mark Dowdeswell (co-opted) Weycroft ward

I moved to Axminster in 2009. I own a successful retail business in Axminster which I run with my family. My background is pretty varied, having served in the Army and as a Special Constable in Herefordshire after leaving the Army. I have degrees in law, forensic science and business studies (specializing in marketing) and previously worked as a solicitor in Bristol, the Isle of Wight and along the south coast. My goal is to bring a diverse set of valuable skills to the role of Councillor in service to our town and its community.

Cllr Dowdeswell

Wayne Hurren (co-opted) Raymonds Hill ward

I have been living in Axminster since 1993. I moved here from London with my family. I was of school age, and being deaf, I commuted daily to a school in Exeter. In adulthood commuting has continued and I have spent the last 20 years working for the Ministry of Justice, and for the Home Office, spending 4 years with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. 


While working I studied and have a degree in politics, philosophy and economics and post graduate diplomas in Public Sector Studies and Government. In my free time I love reading and films, so you will probably find me with a nose in a book or watching a film somewhere!

This is the first time I have volunteered to be on a council, and I look forward to working with the people I live with, as Axminster really is the home of community spirit.

Councillor Wayne Hurren

A Casual Vacancy exists - Town ward


A Casual Vacancy exists following the
disqualification of former Cllr. Terry
Langdon (under Section 85 of the LGA 1972)

Sara Leat (elected) Town ward


My name is Sara Leat and I have lived and worked in Axminster for over 15 years. I have two children, both still at school so youth matters are very important to me and it is looking at the future for my children that made me stand for Council.

My hobbies include amateur dramatics and I am the secretary of the Axminster Drama Club.

I have lots of experience in the financial sector having worked in finance and banking for over 20 years and knowledge and experience has been proved beneficial to the various committees I belong to

Roy Osborn (Co-opted) Raymonds Hill ward

I arrived in Axminster in May 2018 from Birmingham in the West Midlands, having started life in a rural part of Stafford. 

I served as governor of an infant school in Longbridge, Birmingham, and chaired the school's finance committee.

My career has predominantly been in the retail, car and motorcycle industries, although I also owned and ran my own cycle store for 10 years.

I am still a very keen e-bike user, motorcyclist, and motorist with a particular interest in classic cars.

I currently operate a school minibus for a company called 24-7, who are contracted by Devon County Council during term time. I am a keen allotmenteer the current treasurer to the recently reformed Allotment Association.  


Cllr Roy Osborn

Elizabeth Paice (elected) Town ward

My name is Elizabeth. I have lived in Axminster for three years. I have two teenage daughters.

When the opportunity arose to join the council came up, I wanted to offer the voice of a young mum with teenagers to the Council's decisions and discussions.

I would like Axminster to change and grow for the better

Trish Warwick (co-opted) Town Ward

I have lived in East Devon since 1994 having retired from the Metropolitan Police . Wife and mother of three daughters. I’ve had various roles here; Sunday School teacher, baby & toddler group leader, foster carer, NVQ Assessor, carer and netball coach.  My current roles afford the absolute privilege of engaging with over 200 people aged 0-80 years each week.

My love of netball comes second to seeing meaningful relationships established and community formed, these are my focus and I hope in this role as councillor I will be able to engage with even more people.

COVID, working from home, and stress-related issues have all served to divide and isolate, and we now need to communicate more and work together to build a solid community. I believe we all need to find that sense of purpose and self-worth and realise the potential within ourselves and in our town.


Cllr Trish Warwich

David Willey (elected) Weycroft ward

My name is David Willey. I moved to Axminster a year ago from Hampshire with my partner, two young boys and two dogs which has allowed me to start a new fresh life in the countryside and seek a better and healthy life of living for us all.

A lot of my spare time is taken up with my kids but my hobbies include, Metal Detecting & Fishing and I have an interest in local & County history and you can sometimes find me searching strange and mythical creatures.

In 2023, I was elected (uncontested) and I am passionate to be working closely with the residents of Axminster & Weycroft and ensuring the longevity of Axminster. I bring with me over 20 years' experience within the Security & Facilities industries and look forward to working with youth groups in the area as I am already involved locally working with Police Cadets

Cllr David Willey

A Casual Vacancy exists - Town ward



Details to follow when an appointment is made

Casual Vacancies / Co-options / Elections

Wayne Hurren was co-opted on 8th January 2024 as the new Councillor for Raymonds Hill ward.

Roy Osborn was co-opted on 13th May 2024 as the new Councillor for Axminster Raymonds Hill ward.

Jack Price was co-opted on 24th June 2024 as the new Councillor for Weycroft ward.

Trish Warwick was co-opted on 14th October 2024 as the new Councillor for Town ward 

You can find out more about our Councillors, including our newly co-opted members, from their profiles above.

See Your Council - Elections page on this website for more information and for details on how to apply for future vacancies

Committee Memberships

Please refer to Committee pages for membership of each committee

Register of Members Interests

Click Link HERE to visit EDDC website for all Member's Register of Interest forms

Register of Gifts and Hospitality declared

Published register HERE