The Town Council considered the budget (and precept) for the forthcoming financial year (2024-25) in November
and December 2023 (at the Strategy & Finance Committee meetings), and the recommendations of that committee
came forward to the FULL Town Council at their meeting on the 8th January 2024 (agenda item FC24019) whereupon
a motion was resolved to set the budget and precept for the following financial year as follows:
Budget: £692800 (ex.VAT)
Precept: £446524
This equated to a Band D equivalent demand of £154.08 per household, and increase of £51.35 per dwelling (band D).
This precept demand would take the Town Council's share of the overall Council Tax bill from 4.5% to 6.3%
(an increase of 1.8%).
70% of all dwellings in Axminster parish are in Bands A to C (and they will pay proportionately less than £51.35)
The Axminster part of the overall Council Tax bill is shown in the table below, and represents a charge of 42p per day
(for a typical Band D household Council Taxpayer).
Devon County Council 71%
Fire and Police Service 16%
East Devon DC 7%
Axminster TC 6%
The Town Council also presented this budget to parishioners at the Annual Parish Meeting on 4th March 2024 and
again at the extraordinary Strategy & Finance Committee meeting held on 25th March 2024.
Each of the meetings referred to above was publicised with the requisite notice period on our website and on the town noticeboard.
Every meeting was open to the public in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.
As per the direction of the Mayor, Cllr. Jill Farrow, a detailed budget and precept statement (showing specific details of the Guildhall
Income and Expenditure, together with Council's staffing costs) has been published. You can access this document by clicking on the
link above (in blue) or by emailing the Town Council offices, or by calling in at the offices during our published opening hours.
Our Spring 2024 Town Newsletter also contains details of the budget and precept - copies available online, or in hard copy upon request.