At the FULL Council meeting held on Monday 16th January 2023, Councillors voted to accept the recommendations
of the Strategy & Finance Committee meeting held on 9th January 2023 to set an expenditure budget of £449,300 for
the financial year 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, with a corresponding precept demand of £291,236.72 which
represents a Band D Household equivalence of £102.73.
This precept demand compares to the FY22-23 figure of £263,161 (Band D household equivalence £93.39) and is a £9.34
increase which equates to 2.5p per day per household (on a taxbase figure of 2835). This represents a flat 10% increase
year-on-year and was approved to reflect the rising costs to the Council from inflationary pressures (11.1% in January 2023)
but to also be mindful of the extraordinary pressures on local residents household budgets and the current "cost of living" crisis.